Alaska pics 2
i'd love to hear feedback on any of these pictures or opinions on which, if any, to print & frame. however, many of these pics have been posted at beth's request for memory purposes rather than any aesthetic value. pictures with an '*' are currently under printing consideration.
1. Andrew David 'Beth and Bad Sky Glacier' Juneau -- the title says it all.
2. Andrew David 'Train butt' Skagway -- i'm attracted to this picture for the same reason that i like taking senseless pictures of bumper stickers. don't know why.
3. Andrew David 'Whale of a Time' Inside Passage -- i know. you can hardly see it. just pretend...
4. Andrew David 'The Patriot' Inside Passage -- even funnier, ahem, i mean more patriotic, in person (i just watched 'good night and good luck' so i feel like i should be a little careful with my words)
*5. Andrew David 'World Without End' Inside Passage -- i really like this picture for some reason. i just love the clouds and the sunspots...
6. Andrew David 'Mum and Dad and Bad Sky Glacier' Juneau -- again, the title says it all.
*7. Andrew David 'Lighthouse Blue' Inside Passage -- see #11. can't decide if either of these work. or, if so, which works best.
*8. Andrew David 'Ice Cream Outcast' Skagway -- this belongs to one of my favorite photo series that features people. so many comical expressions.
*9. Andrew David 'When Towns Go Postal' Somewhere between Skagway and Whitehorse?
10. beth the s.o. 'The crazy people I hung out with for 10 long days' Somewhere between Skagway and Whitehorse?
*11. Andrew David 'Lighthouse Pale' Inside Passage -- see #7. can't decide if either of these work. or, if so, which works best.
12. Andrew David 'The Dawn Princess' Skagway -- :)
13. Ramon or Susan David 'The couple that ate all of our food' Somewhere between Skagway and Whitehorse? -- i think we look awkward here, but beth liked it.
14. Andrew David 'Let There Be Life' Inside Passage -- i like this for the same reason as #2
15. Andrew David 'Bear Attack' Skagway -- :)
16. Andrew David 'Some Engines That Could' Skagway -- boring?
17. Andrew David 'Ferry Jaw' Juneau -- boring?