Seahawks 20, Redskins 10
1. andrew david 'Girl with a Blue Blanket' DC3 parking lot (Seattle) -- alex scrounged up a nice, free parking space for us.
2. andrew/beth the s.o. 'Qwest Field' Seattle -- obviously the pic's a bit dark. i think i took this, but beth might disagree. for the remainder of the pics, i will write 'andrew/beth' for pictures of where the photographer is uncertain.
3. beth the s.o. 'Seahawk Couple' Seattle -- yep.
4. beth the s.o. 'Cheer' Seattle -- actually, someone out there in real space deserves some credit. i'm not sure if its nathan, jonathan, danny, or steve; but somebody gave me the football bug. and without them, these pictures would have never been possible (whether i'm implying that without my fanship the seahawks would have suffered yet another playoff loss or that i simply wouldn't have been at this game, you can't be sure).
5. andrew/beth the s.o. 'Some Dude' Seattle -- this is beth's favorite pic game pic. there's another pic (not shown) of him using his cell phone as a camera or a lifeline to a fellow hawks fan; can't be sure, there were some scary moments early in the game.
6. andrew david 'Out of Focus Scream' Seattle -- this was her first NFL game, but hopefully not her last. in fact, she didn't even browse through one of her magazines during the game.
7. andrew david '12th (WO) Man' Seattle -- i'm still amazed that she scrounged up these tickets. thanks mary!
8. andrew david 'An Action Shot' Seattle -- i forgot that i can digitally zoom these photos once back at the computer. therefore, i didn't think to take many pictures of the actual game. besides, its difficult to watch, cheer, and take photos at the same time.
9. beth the s.o. 'Rag Time' Seattle -- my voice is still hoarse from that game...
10. andrew/beth the s.o. 'Victory Mob' Seattle -- yes!
11. andrew david 'Fworks' Seattle -- detroit here we come! (almost)
12. beth the s.o. 'Victory Smoke' Seattle -- whoohooo!
are you wearing blue? I'm wearing blue! obey your mayor! go hawks!!!
well, yeah, i wore various shades of blue. not precisely seahawks blue, but close enough.
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