Tuesday, March 21, 2006

rhetorical belly flops

my ego is blistered and bruised from a week's worth of rotten arguments. every time i attempt to make a point, i'm suddenly stalled in no-make-sense land. in gre terms, i'm james joyce parading about like john stuart mills. i have several theories for this loss of logic, but it's my bedtime. here are some examples of the points that i have inadequately defended:

1. "rebecca, you and i have a totally different process for deciding whether or not to watch a movie"

2. "beth, i don't like what alcohol does to me; i don't like the way it feels" (i go on to compare it to multiple sclerosis)

3. "ben, several lines of iambic pentameter are just as difficult to write as a haiku"

4. (i can't remember)

5. (also can't remember)

andrew david 'tropicana hotel 1, 2, and 3' puerto vallarta, mexico.
i'm posting these pics, just in case you want to see what a beach-front near-budget hotel looks like.