Thursday, May 10, 2007


in a previous blog entry, i linked to a preview for devin's superman film, and now, in the interest of fairness to all of my director friends, here's a preview for evan's film i'm more intimately familiar with than superman: the battle for home because, believe it or not, i actually helped film one or two of the scenes. the two films are alike in that they both have very, very small budgets but the similarities end there. the battle for home is a dramatic film that considers parallels between christ and superman whereas radtrip is a fun adventure film that encourage cheap, environmentally-friendly long distance travel. hmmm...i think i may be able to post the film directly on the blog. let me know if this works....


Anonymous said...

Dude! That movie looks awesome!

-Totally Anonymous Person, this is definately not Evan.

andrew said...

that's cause it is totally awesome.